Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Zach Pierson's Newsletter


Jose Sanchez
5’9’’ 185 pounds

On Monday February 23rd at 3:14 a.m. The NMU Bounty Hunters Team approached a suspected drug house located on Presque Isle Avenue. Our objective was to enter through the front and back door at the same time creating no exit for our target, Jose Sanchez. When the signal was given to enter the house we immediately knew something was wrong. As team one entered through the back door they were instantly confused by the layout of the house. The house had been recently remodeled and the blue prints we received were not up to date. Not knowing which way to go, team one entered the house and made their way to the living room which in the old blue print would have been the bedroom. Team two mad the same mistake which also brought them to the living room. This mistake by our team allowed Sanchez, who was woken by our team opening every door in the house, to slip out the back door right behind our team. A foot chase then ensued through the neighborhoods near Presque Isle Avenue. He was chased for over a mile when he finally escaped after jumping a few fences near Longyear Avenue.
Sanchez is wanted on multiple crimes. On the 10th of January he held a cashier at the St.Ignace Holiday gas station at gun point while he robbed the register. Later that month, on the 22nd he broke into a Munising home, held a family at gun point and proceeded to steal over $10,000 worth of electronics. His most recent crime has involved selling drugs all around the Marquette area. This criminal must be stopped immediately. He is to be considered armed and dangerous. If you are to come in contact with this man do NOT attempt to approach him. Immediately call the NMU Bounty Hunters or police and we will be there within minutes to put this dangerous criminal in custody.
We hope that his letter has in no way shaken your confidence in the NMU Bounty Hunters ability to protect and serve the city of Marquette. We have no doubts that we will find Jose Sanchez in the near future and he will be brought to justice. If you have any information about this case please call or email our office.

News Letter -mike weidel

NMU Bounty Hunters Association
This is a friendly reminder that the NMU Bounty Hunters are here to make your neighborhoods a safer place. We go through the cities and find criminals that have been eluding the police forces in each particular area. By accomplishing our job and finding our targets, we make sure that the law is followed through and that the people who were wronged can be at peace in the knowledge that the criminals in question receive their just punishment.
However, the people in these neighborhoods can also be a great boon to us. There is no question that when everyone in their homes are looking out for each other and keeping an eye out for suspicious behavior that crime and the opportunity to commit a crime diminish. Also when good citizens do the right thing by calling enforcement agencies when their assistance is needed, they not only help the person in question, but the agency by supporting in their ability to do their job more efficiently. As such we as bounty hunters rely heavily on feedback from honest citizens to drop hints or straight out tell us where our best chances of finding those avoiding the law are. The better the cooperation, the quicker we can finish our purpose, and the safer and better off everyone will be in the long run.
For all the help we have received so far from such honest citizens, we owe our gratitude. In light of this, anyone who sees suspicious personnel or has knowledge of the area in which there have been rumors or sightings of people posted as wanted should contact our department as soon as possible. The number to reach our department is 906-227-1029. Remember, while we appreciate the contact information from our callers, so that we may contact you back if we require information or clarification, anonymous calls are always welcomed. I should also inform you good people that any person we receive information from is always withheld and protected. Another avenue to reach our headquarters is by E-Mail at www.nmubountyhunters.com.
Again on behalf of my company, I wanted to thank everyone who has helped us out in the past and those that will do so in the future. The more help we receive from the public, the more efficient we will be. Remember, your city is your home with loved ones, don’t allow anyone to jeopardize that for any reason.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mike Weidel Instructions

Mike Weidel
NMU Bounty Hunters
Marquette, MI 49855

How to Write a Case Brief

NOTE: This how to instruction assumes that the reader has some knowledge of what a case brief is, its purpose, etc. These instructions only go into detail on how to write one. A case brief is a summarization of a case with all of the “important” aspects needed by a lawyer as a reminder, so along with the format keep in mind that only necessary parts should be mentioned as a guideline. Two key components are to make all titles in bold and to make sure and add the case citation, which is what you use to find the case, at the top.

The Format of the case is in bold
1) The most important part of a case brief is the five major rudimentary parts. These consist of the facts, the legal question, the answer the court comes up with, the reasoning behind the answer, assenting and dissenting opinions, and then the conclusion. Depending on the teacher these titles can change, but I will refer to them as facts, issues, decision, reasoning, and conclusion. This is a paper format that is a summarization to quickly confirm the important aspects you need to know.

How to appropriately apply the rudimentary parts of a case
2) The facts are the reasons for the case concerning the citizen’s end, the beginning issue such as who stole what from who and then the legal aspect concerning which courts the case has gone through up until the court that holds the case you are briefing.

3) From there we have the legal question. In the legal question you put all the aspects that this case has been a case so far. For example, is it a First Amendment Issue, maybe a property issue, or even a religious issue that conflicts with a law? It is even possible that all of these questions are in the case you are briefing, in which case all are written down.

4) Next is the decision handed down by the courts. This is a simple yes or no, depending on the teacher or person you may create this for, you may be required to give a very brief answer as to why in a single sentence. If they need clarification.

5) The fourth step is to give the court’s reasoning for the answers that they give, including precedent and other factors.

6) The next part is not necessarily in the case that you are briefing, but first is to give any dissenting opinions made by justices and then any concurring opinions which can be confusing because they are made with agreeing how the case was decided, but not for the reasons that it was decided that way. Concurring and dissenting opinions are usually marked with a label, either in bold or italics.

7) The final step is to give the conclusion. This also can vary in how to do it because some teachers merely want the summery of the case and how it impacts future cases that are similar. (How it could be used as precedent). The other way is to have your personal opinion of the case, whether or not it was decided right or for the right reasons, adding what you feel is missing or should have been considered (Similar to your personal assenting or Dissenting opinion).

Lindsey Kinnunen's Instructions

How to present criminal evidence in court
When you become a social worker, on occasion, you will have present evidence in front of a judge and jury. You must be able to do this because you need to try to make it clearer for the judge to convict a person or to let them free.

Things you’ll need
Pen or pencil
Documents to support your case (This may include transcripts of conversation, reports of incidents, or radio / telephone records.)

Step 1
The judge will ask you if you want to give evidence on behalf of your claim and of course, you will say yes. So, take all your evidence-–your documents that you have organized in a binder or folder-–and go to the witness stand.
Step 2
Be aware that you will be asked if you want to swear an oath saying that you will tell the truth. This oath is to God so if you feel uncomfortable, you can say an oath to the court that isn’t religious at all.

Step 3
Sit in the witness box next to the judge, open your evidence and begin talking. Speak into the microphone and be as clear as possible because you are being recorded.

Step 4
Bring a sheet that has step by step points for you to refer to, just so you don’t forget one. Tell your story in sequential order. Do not jump ahead or speak randomly. Address the judge as “Your Honor” to show respect.

Step 5
Tell the judge that you would like to submit your copy of a document or picture or whatever you have, as evidence. It will be marked as an exhibit and will become evidence that the judge considers when they make their decision.

Step 6
Once you have given your evidence, the court will let you leave the witness box and you may be told that you are released. This means that you can leave. Although you will normally be free to go, you might be asked to stay after you have given evidence if something new comes up. You can stay and listen to the rest of the case if you want to.